What are the most important organic baby items to buy? - organic baby food australia
I am pleased with my first child have, and I think it might be a new paranoid parents, who reads everything he hears. I use cloth to avoid dioxin to avoid a mattress with organic chemicals, flame retardants, etc. Everyone knows what the main issues for the child must be organic? I'm not the type of household who can walk me 100% organic. Suggestions?
Definitely food. Breastfeeding and buy organic food and baby cereal. Try to buy, too, hypoallergenic and do not necessarily organic, but as Dreft detergent. Oh, and another things would know without allergies, and shampoos.
the most important thing is that you give your baby breast milk can! I would not worry too much hype around it! I buy food and reduce cleaning products, especially to the toxins, but are not part of the staff have to essentially live in a paranoid bubble feel. Congratulations and enjoy your new baby!
A list of baby stores (with a few supplies organic and natural products) can help in the http://www.ebabycentre.com/product.htm.
U.S. has many baby products. I Babies "R" Us and Target are too.
Gerber makes organic foods and products of the formula (if needed w / breast-feeding) have been completed.
Soy milk instead of regular milk formula (bottle). and healthy snacks instead of sweet or salty snacks.
Good luck!
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