Thursday, February 11, 2010

Being Tought To Masterbate Vids Random Tought...?

Random tought...? - being tought to masterbate vids

Ive been wondering whether it is normal to masterbate? i dont do it, but could those of you who do it. If these feelings and if you are a friend and I did not even ... that can help these impulses?


energeti... said...

Yes ... It is quite normal.

CandyCan... said...

I've always thought. Masterbating is normal .... If you do not have a friend, and it's hot ... but you do not want to masterbate, then there is nothing u can do! Masterbate! It feels soo good. It's the best feeling ever!

s7e28w81 said...

Its normal. He is not ashamed of it. Behind closed doors, there is nothing wrong with masturbation.

donthate... said...

Why are you doing with you? You should feel comfortable with your body. What makes something that smells good?

It is quite normal, in fact, a study has revealed that approximately 95% of men and 60% of women said they masturbated.

Monstrar [everyone's hero ] said...

It is for most people.

Valerie M said...

GUESS I Get a hobby or take a bit more and keep your mind on something else

makedara... said...

I think with a pillow between your legs, I feel a lot of videos and films

ho8er2 said...

Dear M
It's fun because we all thought the same thing here, and until we've tried. I was 14 and I remember that day like it happened yesterday and how he felt, had nothing more beautiful, like fireworks and fun at the same time. It is and was perfectly normal to do so and there is nothing wrong. You're not sick, nobody knew you were big and strong. In reality, the display can stop any of these feelings and the best thing to do, not fight them and be done with it. I'll give you a show to help you organize your questions and concerns, if you want to .. E-mail for you ...
Good luck Hugs

wild_gur... said...

Yes, that's normal.

Gryph said...

Exercise ... Involved in sports ...

I'm pretty. I know I did it either when I was younger, but not for the life of me know what I have to entertain the readers.

Good luck!

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