Should i get braces again? Pictures of my teeth, and my smile.? - headgear braces pictures
okayyy when I was younger
I had the headgear, expander, lips and
4 devices in the upper front teeth.
NOWWWW want to put a brake on me .. again.
of my choice.
ID and EM for 20 months.
also gave me the opportunity to
clear brackets above, but only six attackers.
i dont think I really need new braces
except maybe 2 teeth.
What yall think?
despise lol
(tic tac on the back of the mouth)
I want to win support, but it is your choice. If your taste with the teeth, it is not necessary.
No, check your teeth very well for me. I personally can not wait, unless your teeth sleep for key effect a form of eat or harm you, who cares about more than just teeth, if you just lie still and sometimes ends with a determination for most of life ?
Then nahh not get. The teeth look amazing!
2.3, that it is a little out of place, as you said, but not really a big problem. I mean, are the brackets pain in the ass! I spent 20 months in order to straighten the teeth 2,3 ... (alought is only my opinion.)
btw you have a beautiful smile!
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